If you look back in history, you’ll discover that doomsday preppers have predicted the end of time on numerous occasions. Yet we’re all still here. This group of people believes the world is soon coming to an end. And for that reason, they have to be fully prepared for the apocalypse.

Diehard doomsday preppers go above and beyond to prepare for everything. They stockpile food, toiletries, weapons, ammunition, water, fuel, and much more. Many of them also adopt a sustainable lifestyle. Usually, preppers have some type of bunker where their family members will live until any danger passes.

Okay, there’s nothing wrong with having extra items on hand in case of a bad storm or power outage. But doomsday preppers are a different breed. Although some of them take a reasonable approach to getting prepared for the end of the world, others go to extremes. Thanks to them sharing photos and memes, the rest of us normal-thinking individuals get to enjoy a good laugh.

These 50 pictures explain it all.